Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 3 (Hobby theme)

I.                    Arrange these words correctly!
1.       N – C – L –I – G – Y – C
2.       G – N – I – D – G – R – A – E – N
3.       M – P – G – I – A – C – N
4.       D –W – R – I – A – G – N
5.       W – R – T – N – I – G – I

II.                  Complete these words!
1.       C               L          N       N              
2.       P         A                 N                               O          B                    L
3.       D         N                             G
4.               R         T                 G
5.               R         W                  G
6.       G                 D                  I         G

III.                Match those sentences bellow!
1.       My father likes ……………………. In the sea                                               a. cooking
2.       My mother likes ………………………. In the kitchen                                    b. reading
3.       You like ……………………..on the road                                                       c.  fishing        
4.       My brother likes ………………….. story book                                              d. cycling  

IV.                Arrange these sentences correctly!
1.       Nidya – basketball – likes – playing
2.       Hobby – dancing – is – their
3.       Gardening – father – likes – my
4.       Is – hobby – your – singing
5.       Brother – my – writing – likes 

Untuk lebih detail + kunci jawaban,, bisa download di sini ^_^


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