Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 SD

I. Choose the correct answer by crossing (X) a, b, c, or d!
Text for number 1 to 6

My Daily Routines

Hi guys, I’m Upin. Everyday, I get up at five o'clock in the morning. Then, I brush my teeth ten past five. I take a bath at five fifteen, next I have breakfast at half past five every morning.
I go to school at six thirty in the morning. I usually arrive at school at seven o'clock. The school begins at quarter past seven every morning. I go home at one o’clock then I arrive at home at two o'clock in the afternoon. I have lunch at ten past two.
At home, I take a nap at three o'clock. I watch television at a quarter to five. I have dinner at seven in the evening. I study at seven thirty. I go to bed at nine. On Sunday I help my mother in the kitchen. 

1. Upin always gets up at ....
    a. 5.15 am                                      c. 4.45 am
    b. 4.15 am                                       d. 5 am

2. Upin has to take a bath at ....
    a. half past six                                                c. half past six
    b. a quarter past five                                      d. half past five

3. Upin goes to school at ....
    a. five past six in the morning                         c. quarter past six
    b. a quarter past seven                                   d. half past sseven

4. Upin arrives at home at ....
    a. one past ten PM                                        c. ten to two PM
    b. one past two PM                                      d. two o'clock

5. Upin studies her lesson at ....
   a. ten to seven                                                c. half past eight
   b. ten past seven                                      d. half past twenty five

6. Upin helps her mother on ....
   a. Monday                 b. Tuesday                     c. Saturday                 d. Sunday

7. The first month of the year is ....
    a. January               b. February                     c. March                     d. April

8. The students usually have a flag ceremony on ....
  a. Sunday                   b. Monday                     c. Friday                     d. Saturday

9. Indonesia independence day is on ....
    a. July                    b. August                        c. September              d. October

10. Today is Saturday. Yesterday was ....
      a. Monday            b. Thursday                     c. Friday                    d. Sunday

11. "Hari apa hari ini?" in English is ....
      a. Yesterday was Sunday                             c. What day is today?
      b. Tomorrow will be Tuesday                      d. Today is Tuesday

12. There are .... months in a year.
     a. eleven                b. twelve                         c. thirteen                   d. fourteen

13. The Kartini's day is on....
     a. January              b. February                     c. March                    d. April

14. We need .... to play badminton.
     a. basket               b. shuttle cock               c. ball                           d. pad

15. There ... seven pencils in the pencil box.
     a. We                    b. are                            c. is                              d. you

16. Before you go to bed, brush your ....
     a. teeth                 b. chin                           c. cheek                        d. head

17. They are ..... in the swimming pool.
     a. Volley ball          b. playing foot ball          c. swimming                 d. basket ball

18. Mira : Are there three books on the table?
     Dinda: Yes, ....
     a. There are            b. There is                   c. She is                        d. We are

19. Diana : .... are you?
     Doni   : I am fine thanks.
     a. Why                    b. Who                       c. How                          d. What

20. cats like eating......
    a. a frog                    b. A dog                       c. Geese                               d. mice

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