Mid Semester kelas 2 SD

I.          Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, or c!
(Pilihlah jawaban yang benar dengan menyilang a, b, atau c)

1.      I need a ..... to play badminton
a.       Javelin
b.      Ball
c.       Racket

2.      Arif likes playing  ........
a.       Football
b.      Bowling
c.       Baseball
3.      Do you like playing football?
a.       Yes, I do
b.      No, I do not, I like playing baseball
c.       Yes, she does

4.      What sport do you like?
a.       I like cycle race
b.      I like volley ball
c.       I like bowling

5.      Description: http://www.rockytopguides.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/swimming-clip-art-6.jpgS-I-W -M-M-I-G-N
a.       Swimming
b.      Wismming
c.       Mingswim

6.      Can – Adeline – play – harp - a
a.       Can Adeline play a harp
b.      Adeline can play a harp
c.       A harp Adeline can play

7.      Description: http://images.clipartpanda.com/violin-clip-art-KcjegGeji.jpegAyu        : What is this?
Rahma    : This is a .......
a.       Harp
b.      Saxophone
c.       Violin

8.      Description: G:\New folder (9)\piano.jpgIpin         : What does he play?
Upin       : He plays a ......
a.       Guitar
b.      Piano
c.       Harmonica

9.      They play angklung
In Indonesia is....
a.       Mereka bermain angklung
b.      Saya bermain kecapi
c.       Dia bermain kolintang

10.  Does Putra like play flute?
a.       Yes, he does
b.      No, he does not
c.       Yes, i do

II.        Fill in the blanks!
(Isilah titik-titik berikut!)

Description: http://th05.deviantart.net/fs71/150/i/2012/133/0/6/angklung__traditional_instrumen_in_west_java__by_fp93-d4zodd3.jpg


1.      Evan Dimas is a ................................ player

Description: G:\New folder (9)\Baseball_At_Bat_Sports_Clipart.png
2.      They are playing .......................

3.      My father likes to play .................

Description: http://sr.photos3.fotosearch.com/bthumb/FSD/FSD417/x17360395.jpg
4.      Ayu : what do they play?
Laila: They play ...............
5.      Description: G:\New folder (9)\kids-playing-sports-clipart-RcA6M8g4i.gifWati       : what sport do you like?
Syifa       : I like ..................

6.      Description: G:\New folder (9)\pc7KAbEqi.pngMeilin     : What does Ninung play?
Irma        : Ninung plays a .............

7.      Arik is a good guitarist. His hobby is playing ......................
8.      Description: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiUo5pb5raHpeNJXokp0xubO7JOqYJs98Y6E0-wYnQs1EUGH2-JVhNMcyo2iploStiliWZCIJIsV4O4MiwX7SPQTvhrrV28hGLtwvUPlfa_cYN11nSUVLPgwfuN1vnK34qt4A4z0eqrI9M/s1600/GENDANG.jpegThis is a ..................

Description: http://images.clipartpanda.com/instrument-clip-art-instrument-clip-art-1.gif
9.      I want to sing something. I need a ........

10.  Description: http://cliparts.co/cliparts/rcL/ngL/rcLngLpni.gifRadit       : what is that?
Bima    : that is a ...............

III.     Answer these questions correctly!
(Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut dengan tepat!)

1.      Translete into Indonesian
She likes playing javelin throw
Answer            :                                                                                  

2.      Translete into English
Dia senang bermain pianika?
Answer            :                                                                                  

3.      Rearrange these words!
Do – like – they – tambourine – playing - ?
Answer            :                                                                                  

Description: http://fiftytwothreesixfive.files.wordpress.com/2013/02/432914-royalty-free-rf-clipart-illustration-of-a-happy-boy-learning-to-play-the-drums.jpg
4.      What are they playing?
Answer            :                                                                                  

5.      Mention three kinds of music instrument.
Answer            :                                                                                  


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